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What our clients say

  • Michael's coaching was like having a non-executive chairman at our Directors meetings. He helped us add... Jason McChesney Co-Owner - Money Options Ltd. Read Jason McChesney's story

  • The best investment you can make for your business.

    Robert Finnegan Vincent Finnegan Ltd. Read Robert Finnegan's story
  • Before starting coaching I thought it was a good idea but costly for both time and pocket.

    I had a c... Helen Kilmartin Minima Read Helen Kilmartin's story

  • My business is a family business comprising of my wife and myself - the directors and three of our childre... Gerard Nolan Gerards Deli & Sandwich Hall Read Gerard Nolan's story

  • Michael - is excellent at enabling oneself to look at their current environment, establish the changes requ... Ray Ryan Owner, Advent Processing Solutions Read Ray Ryan's story

  • Jane and The Business Practice have challenged me to bring a systemised, planned and disciplined approach to de... Diarmuid O’Connell Moore Stephens Nathans Read Diarmuid O’Connell's story

  • Michael's selfless passion to assist grow your company will be demonstrated to any, who choose to avail... Jock Whyte Owner, Enhanced Office Interiors Ltd. Read Jock Whyte's story

  • I have worked with Michael for a number of years and I have always found him to be knowledgeable, diligent ... Gerard McCarthy Owner, WSI - Internet Consulting and Education Read Gerard McCarthy's story

  • Michael gets results with his clients. If you want to take your business to the next level, get Michael!

    Catherine Trebble Owner - Dundrum Cosmetic Clinic, Dundrum Town Centre Read Catherine Trebble's story
  • Michael has tremendous energy and enthusiasm ... which is infectious ! He adds to this a real client focus, and abili... Paul Doherty Business Development Consultant, IFC Finance Read Paul Doherty's story
  • Working with you has yielded surprising and positive character changes in me such as sharper focus, ability... Brian Doyle Managing Director, Kelly Hunter Trading Ltd Read Brian Doyle's story

  • Michael has helped me achieve goals I have had for years and never knew how to reach them.

    Roy Birney KB Combustion Ltd. Read Roy Birney's story
  • After buying another business and acting as CEO for both, we needed to introduce business systems across both c... Gavin Peacock Total Retail Control Read Gavin Peacock 's story

  • Michael is a knowledgeable service provider who understands how a business should run as well as the strate... John Kilroy John Kilroy Solicitors Read John Kilroy's story

  • Having worked with Jane Hogan our business has been transformed. Whereas before things just happened to us and ... Justin Gillespie Images Read Justin Gillespie's story

  • Michael has tremendous energy and enthusiasm ... which is infectious ! He adds to this a real client focus,... Paul Doherty Business Development Consultant, IFC Finance Read Paul Doherty's story

  • Jane Hogan was my first experience of using a business coach and 2 years on she's the reason I'll conti... Paul Hackett ClickandGo.com Read Paul Hackett's story

  • I wish I had known about Business Coaching years ago.  The importance of vision, planning and adhering... Daphne Kaye Daphne L. Kaye Read Daphne Kaye's story

  • Do it now.  Essential for good company growth and development and personal improvement.

    John Blake Angel Construction Recruitment Read John Blake's story
  • I cannot recommend Business Coaching (Michael Shinnick in particular) highly enough.

    Th... Tom Redmond Managing Director – Divine Doors Read Tom Redmond's story

  • The services received thus far have been second to none and have certainly helped to improve our team’s b... Jamie Scott JSWEB Read Jamie Scott's story

  • Vernogue Ltd has been in business for over ten years and we began working with Michael Shinnick in January ... Yvette Blake Managing Director - Angel Construction Recruitment Ltd Read Yvette Blake's story

  • I had the pleasure of attending a workshop session presented by Jane Hogan and her team. The day was very usefu... Rory Williams Williams Merrigan Read Rory Williams 's story

  • Michael's selfless passion to assist grow your company will be demonstrated to any, who choose to avail of his servic... Jock Whyte Owner, Enhanced Office Interiors Ltd. Read Jock Whyte's story
  • We have found the exercise challenging and rewarding. It has required us to question fundamental assumptions ab... Renate von Dreusche Ecobaby Limited Read Renate von Dreusche's story

  • Michael has worked with me in increasing my understanding of my own goals for my business and how to best w... Peter Monahan Owner, PMCE Ltd Read Peter Monahan's story

  • The net effect of Jane’s input is that we are more managed, more focussed, more efficient and more assure... Michael Doyle 3D Architects Read Michael Doyle's story

  • Our company has found Michael to be highly professional and the top expert in Coaching. We would have no he... Vinnie Finnegan Vincent Finnegan Ltd. Read Vinnie Finnegan's story

  • In recent times I had become frustrated with my business, wanting to grow it but also wanting to keep overheads... Alan Ivory Data Micrographics Ltd. Read Alan Ivory's story

  • I brought Michael on board because I was at burn out stage and I could not see a way out. Within the s... Graham Carroll G.S.C Engineering Read Graham Carroll's story

  • Before starting coaching, we didn't know much about it but our first thoughts on it was that it c... Seren & Nyssan Deeb GP Digital Print Read Seren & Nyssan Deeb's story

  • I asked Michael to take a critical view of my business from a Lead Generation and Sales Closing point of Vi... Brendan Hederman Owner, Shutters of Ireland Ltd. Read Brendan Hederman's story

  • In these troubled times there are any number of things that a successful company needs to focus on. A great... Guy Fagan Co – Owner, Lucidity Technologies Ltd. Read Guy Fagan's story

  • I have known and worked with Jane for nearly 5 years, Jane is a wonderfully inspiring coach. She has a wonderfu... Ian Dickson The Business Hub Read Ian Dickson's story

  • Michael is an amazing, powerful leader. His commitment to success, ability to see and reach the light at th... Chris Steely Director of Coaching, ActionCOACH Read Chris Steely's story

  • When we were designing this course we knew that we wanted, and needed to, include areas on change managemen... Brian O’ Donovan Human Resources Department, Davy Stockbrokers Read Brian O’ Donovan's story

  • As a start up company back in 2006 Michael has been invaluable to Money Options on setting up systems and t... David Montgomery Co-Owner - Money Options Ltd. Read David Montgomery's story

  • Michael's professional, methodical and systematic approach to understanding our business and putting in... Jim Cassidy Co – Owner, Lucidity Technologies Ltd. Read Jim Cassidy's story

  • We have found the whole program very helpful to date and have found Michael very easy to work with. The whole p... Eddie & Monica Rowe Rowe Outdoor Pursuits Read Eddie & Monica Rowe's story

Is coaching for me?

What makes the difference between thriving and barely surviving in any business, in any economic climate? Answer: It's not the product or service; it's the skills developed and applied by the company leadership. THAT is the key element.

Here are 7 of the most common signs that you and your business could benefit from coaching support:

  • Growth in your business has stalled – and you don’t know why.
  • Your profit is low relative to sales.
  • You spend your day fire-fighting and tackling operational issues rather than working on developing and growing your business.
  • Staff morale is low – and you find yourself struggling to get motivated.
  • You’re losing customers to your competitors.
  • All sorts of problems arise in your business when you’re not around.
  • You need to get more enquires and new leads – but the methods you’ve used before just don’t seem to work any more.
What areas will you coach me in?