Keynote Speaking

Michael Shinnick

A good key note speaker can add greatly to your conference, seminar, client briefing or training day by motivating, inspiring and entertaining your audience.

As an Award Winning Business Coach Michael knows about business and what it takes to be successful in business. More importantly he also knows a lot about motivation and what makes people successful. And thankfully from his audiences perspective he can also make this interesting, humorous and inspire and energise his audience to take action on their future success after listening to him speak!

So with a unique style, humorous anecdotes and a real viewpoint I will reach “hearts and minds”, challenge limiting beliefs and empower your teams to take action.

Michael will get to the root causes of procrastination, fear, lack of confidence and self-belief and show your people how to battle these enemies within and win! You can be sure that your teams will be up-beat and motivated and that you’ll have an amazing event. More importantly, you’ll see sales and productivity increase long after the event is over.

Having coached hundreds of business around the world Michael’s unique, and captivating stories could be told by no one else and his delivery is designed to ensure that your teams keep buzzing long after the event is over.

Give business and motivational speaker Michael Shinnick the opening keynote and kick off your event with an almighty explosion.

Or have him as your closing message and send your teams out the door energised and committed to taking massive action. Either way, your event will be more successful, your people will thank you, and you’ll look good for arranging it. Michael’s diary is seriously full so if you want to keep your teams ahead of the game you need to be talking to us now.

Some of Michael’s topics include:

  • How to beat the recession in your business
  • The 5 keys areas business owners need to focus on
  • How to plan your business for the next 90 days
  • How to Outsell, Outmanoeuvre & Outgun Your Competition & Make More Sales.
  • How To Succeed In Sales, In Business & In Life!
  • Attitude is what counts
  • Goal setting for success
  • Team Building – the 6 areas to focus on
  • It’s hard to beat a person that never gives up